Shield: Protects you from attacks by enemy commanders for 8hrs, 12hrs or 24hrs.
You can buy them in the Alliance Shop.
War Frenzy: This state is activated after attacking another commander.
For 15 minutes, damage is increased but you cannot activate a shield.
GM: Marshal Guard (see Alliance Exercise)
NAP (NAP10, NAP20...): Non-aggression pact on a server.
Used to strengthen a server by indicating that the alliances in the pact do not attack each other and cannot be attacked, even by weaker alliances (at the risk of retaliation).
The number indicates the ranking of the alliances concerned (e.g. NAP20 represents all the TOP 20 alliances on the server).
R5/R4/R3/R2/R1: Status of a member in the alliance (see Alliance).
Rally: Grouping of players from an alliance to attack a target (zombies or enemy commander).
Hive: Base formation in which all the bases are aligned, generally around the Marshal Guard.
T1: Main hero team
T2: Secondary hero team
T3: 3rd hero team
TP: Teleportation