Respect for the NAP

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The NAP(Non-aggression principle) is a non-aggression treaty between alliances on the same server.

Generally, when a server begins the Capitol War, an NAP is agreed between the most powerful alliances to avoid diminishing the power of players and attacks that would diminish the strength of these alliances before the Capitol War.

What are the NAP's alliances?

To find the alliances that make up the NAP, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Alliance menu
  • Click on Settings
  • Click on Alliance List
  • Finally, click on Alliance Ranking

This will take you to the list of alliances on your server, sorted by power.

The number of alliances listed depends on what has been decided on the server: it could be NAP10 for the 10 most powerful alliances, NAP20 for the 20 most powerful, etc...

NAP rules

When NAP is active, it is forbidden to perform the following actions on your server:

  • Loot secret jobs
  • Loot commercial trucks
  • Attack a player who is a member of a NAP alliance

What to do if the NAP is not respected

If a player does not respect the NAP and plunders a secret task or a lorry, you must inform an R4 or R5 from their alliance.

Depending on the number of repeat offences, different actions may be taken:

  • Isolated act : a simple call to order is enough.
  • Repeat offence: an attack on the offending player's base (several attacks depending on the number of offences committed).
  • Repeated offences: exclusion from the alliance

In the event of an attack for a repeat offence, an R4 or R5 of the player must be notified, as well as the player in question.
If you are not powerful enough to carry out this attack, it may be delegated to a more powerful player in your alliance.

The looting of commercial trucks

To comply with the NAP and avoid looting commercial trucks on your server, follow these steps:

  • Go to Commercial Trucks
  • Tick the box "Filter trucks from your War Zone".

From now on, you'll see all the trucks except those on your server.

Before looting, remember to check the server number next to the player's name.

Plundering the secret tasks

To comply with the NAP, you must only loot secret tasks on other servers.

To access other servers, go to the commercial trucks with the filter active (see the section on looting commercial trucks), then choose a truck and select "Loot".
This will take you to that truck's server, where you can scour the map for secret jobs.

To make sure you can loot a secret job, check at the top of the screen that it says"Currently in war zone #XXX".