Alliance exercise

Home > Events > Alliance exercise

Selection stage

R5 or R4 choose the difficulty and duration of the challenge.
The Alliance must have at least 20 members to start.

If no timetable is set before 10pm (server time) on the last day, the event will expire.

Preparation stage

You can donate "Construction Parts" to increase the damage inflicted during the alliance exercise.

Each donation gives you 500 contribution points to use in the shop.
Even if the damage bonus is at its maximum, you can still donate "Construction Parts" and obtain contribution points.

If you have a lot of active players in your alliance, always donate your construction parts even if the maximum has been reached, as you won't be able to use them for anything else.
If, on the other hand, you don't have many players, save them for future alliance exercises.

Combat stage

The R5 or R4 launch the battle, which lasts 30 minutes.
Alliance players can then launch rallies and join the rallies of others.

It is advisable to launch rallies with your T2 and join the rallies of others with your T1.
If you have a T3: launch rallies with it and join the rallies with your T1 and T2.

Don't worry about what's shown when you launch rallies: you can participate whatever the power level of your units.

Reward Stage

The higher the total damage, the better the Alliance rewards and the more difficult challenges are unlocked.

You'll have access to two rewards:

  • One based on the total damage you have inflicted
  • One based on the total damage inflicted by all the members of the alliance, which will be multiplied up to x10 depending on the damage inflicted by the best player.


You can increase your damage by 1% by activating Frenzy of War: to do this, spy on an enemy commander.
The Frenzy of War lasts for 15 minutes, so you'll need to perform an espionage a second time to renew it during the event.